The Beautiful Kitchen at Oprah Winfrey's Hawaiian Farmhouse

Photo by Michel Arnaud, styling by Carlos Mota

In the kitchen, Ellie Woods had the ceiling stenciled with a pattern inspired by an old quilt. Windsor-style bar stools pull up to the island, above which hangs a triple light fixture from Ann-Morris Antiques. The gas range is from Wolf. The polka-dot dinner plates and bowls are from Vietri. Floral design throughout is by Sheryl Suzuki and Eileen Woods.

Even across the Pacific and far from her roots, Oprah has created a place to call home. "I love, love, love my house," she says. "It's a gem, so sweet and exquisite. Such a real, normal house. It feels like a nice blanket." Then she adds, "A lovely and soft cashmere one." (